Projekts “Capacity building and development of necessary competences for working with special needs children in Latvian and Lithuanians kindergartens”

Uzsāktā pārrobežas projekta “Capacity building and development of necessary competences for working with special needs children in Latvian and Lithuanians kindergartens” (Kapacitātes stiprināšana un nepieciešamo kompetenču attīstīšana darbam ar bērniem ar īpašām vajadzībām

Projekts “Capacity building and development of necessary competences for working with special needs children in Latvian and Lithuanians kindergartens”

Sākam! No 2024. gada marta PII “Pienenīte” ir uzsākusi pārrobežas projekta “Capacity building and development of necessary competences for working with special needs children in Latvian and Lithuanians kindergartens” (Kapacitātes stiprināšana un nepieciešamo kompetenču attīst